A message from the Club Captain

A message from our new captain. 

It is a great honour for me to be your captain for the coming year at Bellshill Golf Club.

I would like to thank our captain from 2021, Alex Menzies, for the great job that he has done throughout the year in extremely difficult circumstances.The work that has been carried out this year is testament to Alex and the rest of the council, who have worked tirelessly during the year. From the upgrade of the lounges, upkeep of the course, improvement in drainage, reshaping of bunkers to the resurfacing of the car park, none of this would have been possible without the hard work of all members of the council.

As well as the council, of course, the club couldn’t operate without the staff. The bar staff, catering staff, cleaners, office staff and green keepers, all of whom have done a fantastic job over the past year.

And of course, not forgetting our small army of volunteers, who filled in divots and kept the greens watered during the dry months of the summer. How often do we get to say that?

I would also like to thank members for their messages of good luck and best wishes that I have received over the past few days. 

So as your captain for the next year, I would like to carry on the excellent work of the past few years and hopefully continue to make improvements on and around the course.

I’m lucky that I have an extremely hard working council to help and guide me in accomplishing this. I would like to think that I am approachable and if any member has any suggestions that they think might improve our club please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Finally, to all members, old and new, thank you for your continued support and let’s look forward to a great season.

Joe Allan

  • Donaldson 2 Results
  • Tuesday Medal 16/7/2024
  • Sunday Stableford 14th July 2024
  • Orbiston Salver 2024
  • Tuesday Medal 9th July 2024
  • July Medal Aggregate Scores
  • Finals day qualifiers
  • Club Championship Qualifiers
  • Massie Morris Qualifiers
  • CC3/MM3
  • Annual Presentation of Trophies
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12.07.2024 08:08
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